Windows 7 kernel to shrink in size

@ 2007/10/19
MICROSOFT top boffin Eric Traut has emerged from his smoke filled lab to talk about the future Windows 7 kernel.

The people at Vole have been a mite concerned that the Windows kernels are getting a little bloated and have told Traut to come up with something a little more efficient.

Comment from BlackRabbit @ 2007/10/20
A .dll file (or other kind of modular design) would be much more effecient, as only those files that are really needed will be loaded..
Comment from wutske @ 2007/10/19
First toughts on this is that this presentation has no usefull information at all. They've only showed what's the beginning of a windows kernel, of course it's small, everything starts small ... but 1-2 years later I suppose they'll have a kernel that's as big as Vista's kernel . Plus, whatever isn't put in the kernel to save space is probably added as a service or dll afterwards so you'll end up with a big sucker again .
They realy should go back to the Win9x era, the OS was lightweight, it had all the programs you'd need (at least it had a defragger that shows you what's going on) and nothing more, nothing less. If you'd combine that with the hardware compatibility and the management features like in XP, then you'll have a good OS. I mean, why do I need all those services like readyboost, superfetch and indexing when they are completely useless, why do I have to waste disk space for a calendar, mail client, ... if I don't use it.

Open minded simplicity, that's what they need, someone that can say: "do we realy have to add that ? NO we do not !