Tagan CS-EL Diablo Mid Tower ATX Case

@ 2007/09/28
Today Benchmarks Reviews takes a look at one of the newest additions to the Tagan Aplus case product line, the CS-EL Diablo BM Mid Tower ATX Case. Computer cases are no longer just a box to install your parts. Some of today’s higher end cases may cost more than a complete entry level computer. They have come to play a crucial role in the cooling of today’s high end CPU's and GPU's. And it is not just the how well the case cools, or how many drives it holds, but what it looks like that has become important. To a computer enthusiast the first impression a case makes is no trivial matter. Your case makes a statement about what type of computer user you are, from the small form factor, to the plane Jane vanilla beige cases, all the way up to the brushed aluminum water cooled cases.

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