The Tetris Mod

@ 2007/09/11
Out of all of those great games though there was one which got people hooked all over the world - Tetris. The game seemed so very simple...all you had to do was place every little piece into a wall. Of course, simple doesn't mean easy - blocks dropped quicker and quicker, and the minutes flew by just as quickly. Thousands of colourful hours in eight bits, double matches trying to be the best in the “hall of fame”!

The idea of the new Planet Express Klan project arose from these fond memories. It would be based in a retro style, with very bright colours. It also had to be of huge proportions, as it would need to hold the gaming rigs of each of our clan

Comment from easypanic @ 2007/09/11
Comment from jmke @ 2007/09/11
ah, you want the powertools, I get you now!
Comment from easypanic @ 2007/09/11
You can have the cube , I'll take the rest .
Comment from geoffrey @ 2007/09/11
An empty cube?
Comment from easypanic @ 2007/09/11

This is wat [M] needs
Comment from jmke @ 2007/09/11
only if the pieces fit
Comment from Kougar @ 2007/09/11

Could also use it as a Beowulf tetris cluster....