Intel Larrabee to capture 20+ % discrete in 2008

@ 2007/08/16
Our very informative sources believe that Intel can captured anywhere between 20 to 30 percent of all discrete graphic shipment in 2008. Following our report here, we learned that Intel can sell its graphic to most of the graphic players and most of the Taiwanese companies will go for Intel as this would be a long term strategy move.

Comment from Kougar @ 2007/08/17
Hm, well it's not quantity of employees, but quality of their results that usually wins out. And the quality of G92 is looking rather promising.

Should be interesting to find out if Intel decides to price aggressively to make quick inroads into the marketspace.
Comment from jmke @ 2007/08/16
Would not expect much else, if Dell/HP buy Intel system with Intel Chipset, CPU, it will be easier to stick with Intel for the GFX too, than to contact another party, unless Intel is too expensive for their kit.