Getting Your Girlfriend to Build Her Own PC

@ 2007/08/08
When his lovely girlfriend Glenda needed a new PC, Jason Cross, who spends much of the week assembling PCs with the latest gear to test for ExtremeTech, decided he would let her build it herself. She gave him her list of needs, he came up with a part list, and then watched as she did all the screwdriver wielding herself. Despite a DOA hard drive and some mis-connected wires, everyone was smiling when it was all finished.

Comment from Sidney @ 2007/08/08
A father teaching the daughter how to build a PC becomes more viable without any ill effects
Or, as an instructor, teacher/student is another approach. But, never a boyfriend to girlfriend or husband to wife.
Comment from jmke @ 2007/08/08
wise advice
Comment from Sidney @ 2007/08/08
Never convince a woman from doing the thing a guy wants to do; there will only another "IOU" in the little black book with which a guy will have to pay many times over when the time comes. It is called "I did it for you. Therefore, you have to do THIS for me."