Blu-ray loves porn after all

@ 2007/01/17
I’M CONFUSED. I went to CES last week where I managed to get at least three or four conflicting reports about where Blu-ray going and how it’s going to get there. For instance, the Blu Ray Association had a very impressive line-up of most of the key Hollywood studio CEOs to explain which movies were on the way. And there are quite a few. This was followed by some great statistics about just how doomed HD DVD was and how the PS3 will tip the balance. I then ambled by the HD DVD side of the fence and got a conflicting set of stats and forecasts. I’m beginning to think that market research just might be a bit biased, depending on who’s paying. Anyway, apart from those two camps, the most accurate insight into how the war was shaping up came from a less obvious source: the porn convention across town.

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