300 teraBITS is not 300TB!

@ 2007/01/06
Three days ago Wired published an article in which they stated that Seagate will be able to deliver a 300 terabits HDD within a few years with their new heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology. Unfortunately most media reports didn't notice the article talks about bits and published articles with stuff like "Seagate planning 300TB HDD!". I believe Joystiq was one of the first sites which reported this. They even claim this HDD will be able to store 6,144 50 GB Blu-ray disks.

Well, that's wrong. 300 terabits isn't 300TB (terabyte), it's 37.5TB. So on a 300TB drive you can't store 6,144 50GB Blu-ray disks, it would be only 768 50GB Blu-ray disks. Which is ofcourse still plenty.

Comment from SuAside @ 2007/01/06
hehe, cant say i'm surprised. so many computerterms are switched erroneously (is that even a word?) these days.

bits bytes, PCI-X PCI-E, Gb & 1000mb, and so on and so forth.