Give Windows XP that VISTA Look and Feel

@ 2006/10/16
With Windows VISTA on the horizon, many are not only contemplating an upgrade to the new OS, but are also a bit more conscientious when deciding on their new system hardware. I've had the pleasure of thoroughly testing almost all releases from the software giant, including the new RC2 release. Considering this is the last release till it hits store shelves, I will say that there are still many bugs, as well as some serious concerns in many areas. The truth though is, people tend to be more drawn to a new and appealing GUI than they are to most of the new features it has to offer. That is the reason for this new "Extreme Guide". Perhaps you're one who happens to love the new look, but don't want to be the "guinea pig" per say, and have to deal with the bugs and security holes that will be discovered upon release. Well, with a little effort, and the right tools, you can not only give your XP system that VISTA look and feel, but also mimic some of the cool features, such as flip 3D. In this guide, I'll go over the third-party tools available, mostly all of which are completely free!

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