Q3i ThermoHawk 200/400 Infrared Keychain Thermometer

@ 2006/05/11
The Thermohawk line of infrared thermometers would be a handy gadget for anyone wanting to have some fun or to use in a practical environment. As said earlier, the uses for this small compact product are endless and you will even have some fun while finding out the temperature of the many objects in your environment. In my mind, the price tag for these small thermometers is a steal for what they do
Comment from Xploited Titan @ 2006/05/11
The admin of www.cooling-masters.com . If someone knows something about thermal science, he is.
Comment from jmke @ 2006/05/11
who is Rosco ?
Comment from Xploited Titan @ 2006/05/11
Little thing I learned from Rosco (everyone should know him by know ):

The Thermohawk is calibrated on 0.95 fixed emission (non-reflective deep black being equal to 1, and very reflective whitish being 0).

This means that whenever you target anything metallic-coloured or not black, you will have erronous measurements (easily 10° to 20° shifting).

So, basicly, those "mainstream" IR thermometers are the suck uke: