Widespread GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Card Shortage Reported in North America

@ 2024/02/12
NVIDIA's decision to shave off $200 from its GeForce RTX 4080 GPU tier has caused a run on retail since the launch of SUPER variants late last month—VideoCardz has investigated an apparent North American supply shortage. The adjusted $999 base MSRP appears to be an irresistible prospect for discerning US buyers—today's report explains how: "a week after its release, that GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER cards are not available at any major US retailer for online orders." At the time of writing, no $999 models are available to purchase via e-tailers (for delivery)—BestBuy and Micro Center have a smattering of baseline MSRP cards (including the Founders Edition), but for in-store pickup only. Across the pond, AD103 SUPER's supply status is a bit different: "On the other hand, in Europe, the situation appears to be more favorable, with several retailers listing the cards at or near the MSRP of €1109."

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