new Scythe "mine" Cooler tested

@ 2006/03/28
The Scythe mine Cooler straight only for the CeBit presented and already to know we the product for heart and kidneys to examine. Behind the Scythe mine Cooler hides itself a radiator in the double Tower Design, how we already know it from the Scythe Kamakiri or the Thermaltake Sonic Tower. In contrast to the Sonic Tower the used 100mm exhaust for Scythe completely consciously between the two towers set, since so a maximum yield of the cooling performance is attainable. Paired with three Heatpipes and aluminum lamellas the radiator is to be able the Ninja to strike in the active enterprise even and thus completely far in front lie. Whether the quite compact mine Cooler can really strike the completely large ones, we clarify on the following pages.

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