Protect your house with a drone

@ 2023/01/09
In case the Russians invade*

Security outfit Ring has been showing CES the wonders of having your house protected by a flying drone.

The Always Home Cam is a mini drone, designed to buzz around your home, patrolling for intruders when you weren’t in.

It looks like a kitchen countertop gadget and is slightly smaller than a bread bin. It doesn’t look like any other drone on the market, but sounds like one so it could drive your neighbours and pets nuts.

Ring said that it will cover one floor and will be trained by holding it and walking around your home in a series of flightpaths. Users can set multiple patrols, and individual waypoints, so if you want to check the back door, or if you’ve left the stove on, you can without having to wait too long.

If something is wrong the camera can be set to pause in mid-air and rotate around to surveil the local area. Ring isn’t yet ready to do much more than show off prototypes at the moment.*

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