AMD goes nuts, slashes and burns Opteron prices

@ 2006/01/24
MID PACIFIC sources say that AMD is set to put the boot into Intel by slashing prices on its 2xx series Opteron processors. The aggressive action is set to start in mid February, with AMD taking the war to Intel, rather than the opposite.
Here is how it’s looking so far.

The 265 currently costs about $700 and that price is set to cascade down to $341. The 270 costs $864 as we speak, and in mid Feb the price is likely to tumble to $476.

Then the 275, which costs over a gigahertz of money at $1,063, will become a $700 part. Lastly, but far from leastly, the 280 will fall from its high $1,300 podium to $865.

These prices are for processors in a box, with full warranties. The INQ understands that there are more price shocks on the way, but these, as they stand, are pretty shocking.

Perhaps Fab 36 is ramping faster than we imagined.
Comment from Rutar @ 2006/01/24
well, they can with the yields they must be getting

I doubt they even have processors anymore that don't make the required clockspeeds.
Comment from jmke @ 2006/01/24
Building dual Opteron server now becomes even more interesting for companies which otherwise have to fork out a small fortune for Xeon based servers.

AMD is finally placing the Ace card they used against Intel back in the P3 vs Athlon days: price!
Comment from Rutar @ 2006/01/24
Yes, but can we really use those?

The need for ECC memory (I think) and special mobos make them unattractive unless you make something like a server.
Comment from jmke @ 2006/01/24
$700 to $341.. more than 50% pricedrop!

and also puts in reach of hardware enthusiasts