AMD desktop PC-use CPU market share exceeds 20% in 3Q

@ 2005/10/25
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) surpassed a 20% share of the desktop PC-use CPU market worldwide in the third quarter of 2005, its first time since 2001, according to Mercury Research. The vendor grabbed a 20.4% share, following Intel with 77.5%.

After the introduction of the Turion 64 mobile technology CPUs in August of this year, AMD’s notebook CPU shipments jumped by 55% sequentially in the third quarter.

Intel, however, continues to dominate the global CPU market with an 80.8% share in the third quarter, followed by AMD with 17.8%, the research firm stated. Intel’s share slid 1.4-percentage points sequentially, whereas AMD enjoyed a 1.6-percentage point growth.

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