MSI’s new boss spills the beans on Intel shortages

@ 2019/01/21
Will steal market share from Apple

MSI CEO Charles Chiang split the beans on how Intel snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to have enough chips on the market last year.

In a 30-minute interview with Tom’s Hardware, Chiang said that Chipzilla prioritised data centre chips and mobile over desktop chips and damaged motherboard sales.

Chiang said he was able to get enough processors for all of his laptop and desktop systems. But the problem was that Intel prioritided fulfilling orders for data centre chips and then laptop processors, with desktop CPUs in last place.

"We focus in on the high-end products and we get the priority of the CPU supply. Intel tells everybody they have a priority to supply high-end chips. They say: 'Let's start at data centre first, mobile second, desktop last. And then they got the higher i9, i7 processor H processor, then it's U and then it's desktop."

Intel has since confirmed that it prioritises high end chips over budget models, but it did not confirm or deny that desktop CPUs are on a lower rung than laptop CPUs.

The scarcity of low-cost Intel CPUs has had a negative effect on the company’s motherboard sales, Chiang told us. As consumers have been unable to buy Pentiums, Celerons or even Core series processors for new builds, they've stayed away from the motherboards they'd need to power these chips.

"If this CPU shortage issue hurt MSI, I have to say that, on the motherboard side, we got hurt badly", Chiang said.

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