People start wearing hard drives round their neck ?

@ 2005/09/02

IN A MOVE which shows that though the computing industry may be over 50 years old, it's still incredibly immature, Hitachi is trying to tell us this morning micro drives are "the new bling". The Japanese giant introduced what it claims is the industry's smallest one inch and lightest 1.8-inch hard drives which it calls Mikey and Slim. Yes, really.

The two hard drives are obviously meant to be used as fashion accessories, because Hitachi gratuitously supplied headless pictures of a woman and a man.

Tech savvy consumers consider Hitachi's miniature hard drives the new bling, but if we see anyone on the high street wearing a hard drive round their neck or near their groin, we'd be very surprised indeed.

Yes, it's another day on the superdupersoarawayinformationhighway.

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