Cooler Master Praetorian 730

@ 2005/09/02
The Wave Master is one of Cooler Master’s most successful cases with
its curvaceous lines and unique, illuminated “tombstone” air duct shield,
popular with PC modders, enthusiasts, and some of the top boutique PC
builders such as Falcon Northwest, Hypersonic, Maingear and Velocity Micro.
So you can imagine the buzz generated when the word got out that a “Wave
Master II” would be part of Cooler Master’s refreshed product line.

Well, the Wave Master II is here—only it’s named after the bodyguards of
ancient Roman emperors. Today we’ll take a look at the Cooler Master
Praetorian 730—not a totally new case designed from the ground up, but the
original Wave Master, with design elements from several of Cooler Master’s
other best-selling cases. Whether that’s good or bad is what we’ll try to
establish with this review.

Review Link:

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