Mass Effect: Andromeda Pre-Loading Has Begun

@ 2017/03/15
While there has been no official announcement from EA, downloads have apparently begun for Xbox One and PS4 owners, and I imagine PC gamers should see similar activity in their Origin clients soon. Those of you who are EA Access subscribers will be able to test the game as early as this Thursday—even though you'll only get to play 10 hours, the save file will carry over if you get the full game, so it's sensible to try out. Do you guys think the Deluxe Edition is worth it? Thanks to Kyle for this one. It looks like pre-loading is in effect for some of those who digitally pre-ordered Mass Effect: Andromeda on consoles. Some Xbox One owners confirmed the downloads beginning early this month while multiple PS4 owners found their pre-load had automatically begun as of this morning. EA still hasn't made an official announcement about pre-load availability for Andromeda, so we seem to be looking at a staggered release rather than a full-scale rollout right now. Make sure you have at least 43GB free for all of those voice files and alien smooching animations to propagate across your hard drive.

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