Chinese are going flat out for IoT

@ 2016/09/03
Beancounters at IDC have been shuffling their tarot cards and are predicting that the Chinese manufactures will be flat out buying up IoT gear by 2020.

Chinese manufacturing enterprises' spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to reach US$127.5 billion by 2020, Software and services will lead the way for the rapid growth of IoT spending in the manufacturing industry, with a combined market share of over 60 per cent, IDC said

IoT is part of China's 13th Glorious Five-Year Plan and is becoming a strategic emerging industry in the country, IDC noted. Made in China 2025, which is the first Glorous 10-year action plan for the China government to implement its strategy of building China into a manufacturing powerhouse and depends largely on IoT gear.

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