AMD’s power problem is a problem after all

@ 2016/07/04
AMD is burning the midnight oil fixing a problem on its new Polaris card which it thought was not an issue last week.

Last week reviews started complain that the Radeon RX 480’s power draw was enough to fry lower priced motherboards. AMD denied it saying that the card had been signed off by all the important standards crowd.
AMD fanboys claimed that it was all part of a conspiracy by Nvidia fanboys to damn the card to oblivion. We were inclined to agree, given that only one reviewer had noticed the problem, and it could easily have been a card issue.

But then the reviews started to confirm the problem – the 150-watt card used on average 168W under load. The card drew 90W over the motherboard’s PCI-E slot, far exceeding the 75W maximum the slot is rated for.

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