Tim Cook to tell Chinese to stop mucking Apple about

@ 2016/05/11
Fruity cargo cult leader Tim Cook has had enough of the Chinese government mucking his company about and is going over there himself to tell them how they are supposed to behave.

The Chinese have been downright rude to Apple lately and forbidden them to run their Apple music and other entertainment packages. Cook wants to tell them that being a government they have to do what Apple tells them – just like the American government does.

Cook is going to Beijing later this month to meet high-level government officials. He often goes to China but things are starting to look a little dire for Apple behind the Bamboo curtain so these talks are a little more important.

The Chinese are no longer buying as many iPhones, and the outfit can’t even win a court case over the trademark for the Apple name. But the biggest deal is the suspension of some of its online entertainment services.

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