Inside the Xbox 360

@ 2005/05/16
Technically the Xbox 360 is a marvel of model modern game console design. It is based on a custom IBM Power-PC based CPU with three symetrical cores, which gives it the computing power to perform 9 billion dot operations per second. This performance coupled with a new custom graphics processor from ATI featuring a polygon performance claimed at 500 million triangles per second makes it blinding fast at the generation of graphical content on the screen. Together this power is harnessed to give the overall system the ability to perform 1 teraflop in floating point operations. Basically this is one fast graphics gaming console.

However, the feature rich Xbox 360 doesn’t stop by having lightening fast graphical, mathematical and floating-point operations. In addition to these specifications, the console has the ability to connect to the internet and/or Media Center PC right out of the box. This is accomplished by the use of a wired Ethernet connection with an optional add-on which allows for wireless connections using 802.11a/b/g protocols, so whatever you are using, you should be good to go. Once you’re connected, the unit really shows its stuff, so to speak. It has built-in to its basic functionality various interfaces to allow the user to experience gaming, digital media and Xbox Live. These interfaces include buttons on the wired or wireless controllers, an Xbox Gamers’ Guide, and even a way to personalize the various screens and the physical look of the console using interchangeable faceplates.

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