Half-Life 2: New Deathmatch maps

@ 2005/04/14
Three Half-Life 2: Deathmatch maps are now available via Steam. These maps were created by the three players who won our recent HL2M mapping contest. If you have HL2M installed in your Steam games list, you will receive the new maps automatically.

The new maps are:

Winner: dm_underpass by Scott M Jordan, USA
1st Runner Up: dm_resistance by Jonathan Linker, Germany
2nd Runner Up: dm_powerhouse by Michael Schulz, Germany

This release also includes a Counter-Strike: Source update which fixes incorrect player names appearing in the scoreboard.

Comment from Crossing Guard @ 2005/04/21
hey didju hear that half life is comin to xbox now too

((<kinda offtopic>))
((or about the new halo maps?))