Coolest Phone In The World, Made By You

@ 2015/09/25
This just might be the coolest, most fun product we've covered in quite a while. The awesome people at Seeed Studio have put MediaTek's Aster SoC to good use, creating a modular phone you get to build any way you want. Like Google's Project Ara, but less restrictive, more open to learning and imagination and just generally better.

This is one of the good days here at Fudzilla. Because today, we get to cover the success of an innovative and fun initiative by our friends from China. We have been following the rise of MediaTek from relative obscurity to one of the semiconductor industry's most relevant players. They've approached the very pinnacle of smartphone SoC design, right up there with Qualcomm and Samsung, and they are pursuing the IoT story quite vigorously.

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