NVIDIA Gives Away 10 Titan X GPUs To Chinese Fans

@ 2015/05/06
We keep in touch with our Chinese fans , known locally as "N-Fans," on social media services like QQ and Weibo. But there's no better way to get to know them than face to face. That's why we decided to do something special for a few lucky N-Fans. After we announced TITAN X earlier this spring, we identified 10 N-Fans eager to get our new GPU, and let them know we'd find a way to get it to them first. What we didn't tell them: when, or how, it would arrive. Or who would bring it to them. So when Erin, from our Beijing team knocked on their doors, our fans were shocked. Some laughed. Some howled with delight. All of them pulled out their cameras to document the event so they could share it with other fans.

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