Microsoft heads into a new error

@ 2014/02/06
Software King of the World Microsoft has announced that its new supreme Dalek will be Satya Nadella who will replace the shy and retiring Steve Ballmer.

Nadella, who has a name a bit like Nigella, is tragically not interested in cooking or being strangled by PR executives, has a big job ahead of him.

The 46-year-old Indian native and former enterprise business chief might find his hands tied with Bill Gates and Ballmer still on the board. Steve Ballmer might not go quietly, in fact Ballmer does not do anything quietly.

As we expected Sir William Gates III is demoting himself and giving up the board chairmanship to fellow director John Thompson. Historically that means the team who fuelled the PC generation are no longer in power, although some would say that the PC is gone anyway and has been replaced by tablets.

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