Korean MoD clamps down on smartphones

@ 2013/07/05
The Korean Ministry of National Defence announced Wednesday that it will restrict the use of smartphones inside its buildings from mid-July, reports the Korea Times.

The ministry is concerned that phones could be used to leak sensitive information and visitors will no longer be allowed to bring phones into ministry buildings.

In addition, the ministry has come up with a cunning plan to render snoopy smartphones harmless. It has an app that deactivates some functions like computing, internet connectivity and the camera while inside ministry buildings. For feature phones, the solution is anything but high tech – it involves placing a sticker on the camera lens.

Oddly enough, not all phones are considered equal under the ministry’s plans. Users of Android phones will be able to answer and make phone calls, but iPhone users will be limited to receiving calls. It appears that Apple lovers aren’t as trustworthy as Android users in the land of Samsung.

Since the measures aren’t expected to go down well with employees, the ministry will let them make long-distance calls and calls to mobile phone using office telephones.

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