People love PRISM

@ 2013/06/12
US and UK citizens seem surprisingly relaxed about the news that its government is spying on their internet use.

After a defence contractor risked his freedom to expose the quasi-legal government snooping being carried out using PRISM, surveys show that a lot of US and the UK people think it is OK for the government to spy on them.

In the UK, a survey shows more than four in 10 people think the security services should be able to break data laws in order to prevent terrorism. Nearly half of voters either backed the Coalition's draft Communications Data Bill, or thought it did not go far enough.

In the US, a Pew Survey said that Big Brother has never been so popular. "A majority of Americans – 56 percent – say the National Security Agency's (NSA) programme tracking the telephone records of millions of Americans is an acceptable way for the government to investigate terrorism".

An overwhelming majority of Americans also feel, generally, that it's more important to "Investigate Terrorist threats" than "Not intrude on privacy".

This has been the status quo in the US for nearly six years and means that the government has backing for its snooper's charter.

Americans are less enthusiastic about email snooping with a slight majority of 52 percent not wanting their emails read. However, all this means that generally the government can be sure of the backing of most of the country for this policy too.

This might explain why today instead of kicking any government for its snooping policy, Reuters is running stories about how it is bad for defence institutions to rely on outside contractors who might make its secrets public

Edward Snowden, who gave up a hot and flexible girlfriend to leak the information has gone missing from his hotel room. It is not clear if he has been collected by NSA spooks or he has just given up on humanity.

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