Geforce 9500 GT SLI vs Geforce 9600 GT Performance Comparison

Videocards/VGA Reviews by massman @ 2008-09-10

Not too long ago NVIDIA launched their new entry level video card, the Geforce 9500 GT. Today we take a closer look at what extra performance can be had when you add a second card in your system; we compare the performance of the 9500 GT in SLI to a single 9600 GT.

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Quake 4

Quake 4

Quake 4 was released in 2006, based on the popular Doom 3 engine from ID Software. Even with the latest video cards, this game is a hard nut to crack if running in highest possible settings. Luckily, if you're able to play at the highest settings is so astonishing you never want to downgrade your card again.

Madshrimps (c)

We made a custom timedemo which takes the most out of the cards and ran the timedemo a couple of time, the results were averaged.

We'll be testing the differences in 3D rendering in two set-ups:

1152x864 - High detail & 1280x1024 - Ultra

Madshrimps (c)

Quake 4 is another level of game in comparison to Trackmania, especially considering the stress on the different system components. In lower resolutions, an additional card gives you 33.40% higher performance, in the higher resolution test environment 88,33%! Especially that last test result is quite remarkable.
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