Leadtek 9600 GT SLI reviewed and compared with 9800 GTX

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2008-04-20

With the Geforce 9600 GT pricing reaching new lows, it becomes interesting to see if pairing up two of them can get you more bang for the buck compared to the more expensive Geforce 9800 GTX. In this review we use two Leadtek 9600 GT Extreme cards and run our battery of game tests to find out what performance you can expect.

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Rainbow Six: Vegas

Rainbow Six: Vegas
Official website

This First Person tactical shooter is based on the Unreal 3 game engine; it looks splendid and takes a very high end video card if you want to run it at high resolutions. It makes heavy use of shaders and excels in delivering close very realistic Las Vegas setting, with a series of Casinos on the strip that you need to “clean”. The Unreal 3 engine pushes GFX effects to the next level but requires a hefty VGA card to deliver playable frame rates at higher detail and resolution.

We went on hunting down terrorists, the Calypso Casino level looked to be one of the heavier levels to run through:

Madshrimps (c)

Vegas is one of the less good looking games in this round-up, yet it does put enough load on todays mainstream videocards. The 9600GT on its own all ready offers very fluent gameplay at our selected resolution and image quality settings, but going dual card will make the setup ready for even higher resolutions and Anti-Aliasing settings. In our test the dual GT's performed on par with the 9800GTX, it isn't really worth it here to consider the GT's over the GTX but if you have all ready bought one GT then the extra card does give you the possibility the scale up to much better looking graphics.

Madshrimps (c)
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