Gainward Bliss 9800 GTX PCX 512MB Video Card Review

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2008-04-06

In this review we take a closer look at the latest product from Gainward, based on the recently released 9800 GTX we compare the BLISS´ performance in several games, and find out how cool and quiet this new high end video card is. Read on to learn more.

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Rainbow Six: Vegas

Rainbow Six: Vegas
Official website

This First Person tactical shooter is based on the Unreal 3 game engine; it looks splendid and takes a very high end video card if you want to run it at high resolutions. It makes heavy use of shaders and excels in delivering close very realistic Las Vegas setting, with a series of Casinos on the strip that you need to “clean”. The Unreal 3 engine pushes GFX effects to the next level but requires a hefty VGA card to deliver playable frame rates at higher detail and resolution.

We went on hunting down terrorists, the Calypso Casino level looked to be one of the heavier levels to run through:

Madshrimps (c)

As one of the first Unreal 3 engine based games, Rainbow Six Vegas is not as fancy as the brand new Unreal Tournament game, though it is still pushing today's video cards to the limit as most of those were not able to keep the minimum frame rate above 40FPS. Off course, the powerful GTX has no problem keeping frame rate high through the toughest scenes, switching from 9600GT over to 9800GTX yields in over 50% higher minimum FPS, overall though the GTX is more like around 36% faster. The 8800GTS 512MB once again performed nearly on par with the new GTX, no surprise since the only difference between them is the slightly higher clocks.

Madshrimps (c)
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