Silence = Golden: Silent PC Project

Cooling/CPU Cooling by Bosw8er @ 2003-06-24

How to fit a complete PC setup into small closet and make it really really quiet!

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Final stages

  • Problem 7
    Maxi towers look like the most spacy thing you can imagine, but in fact it’s even more cramped than the Chieftec.
    The ram barely fits. I’ll buy some conversion kits so i can put the HD’s in the 5.25 bays. The situation as it is now isn’t recommended.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Straps are needed in different places to keep the fan blades from chopping the cables.
    Luckily JMke was around to help me out because some adjusting/construction in the cramped area required four arms.

    Madshrimps (c)

    I thought the sliding mobo-tray was a very nice bonus. In fact it's a real pain to get it in and out, you need some muscle to do so.

    Madshrimps (c)

  • Problem 8
    Thermaltake copper spacers are a little thicker than the XP-core.
    A perfectly good 2600XP down the drain in … what … about 2 to 3 seconds?

    Madshrimps (c)

    I bought a Barton 2500, 100 EUR, enough performance and 3 years warranty because it’s boxed. I didn’t even bother to try to use f#ç!*|* spacer again.
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