AquaMark - The Reality BenchMark

Others/Miscelleneous by jmke @ 2003-03-25

A new competitor has risen! Download the trailer and be totally amazed!

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Aquamark 3:

Madshrimps (c)

AquaMark3 allows PC users to easily measure and compare the performance of their current and next-generation PC systems. It provides a reliable benchmark which helps users to configure their systems for the best gaming performance

A great promise by the guys over @ Aquamark. If you have ever played Aquanox you know they are able to deliver some impressive 3D Engine technology.

I'm sure this benchmark will stress even the most up to date systems. But you don't have to wait to know what it looks like. Take a peek by playing one of these movies:

Low Resolution Treaser (~4mb)


High Resolution Teaser (~10mb)

I for one am looking forward to the release of this baby :)

More information about this Benchmark is available here
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