Western Digital, Seagate and Maxtor hard drives roundup

Storage/HDD by biCker @ 2003-02-13

Is the Western Digital Caviar 800JB the fatest harddisk on earth? Can?t you really hear the Maxtor Diamondmax Plus9 spin? What about the Seagate Barracuda IV, has it become antique? Read all about it in this 5 harddisk roundup, also featuring the Maxtor Diamondmax and the Western Digital 800BB.

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SiSoft Sandra benches

SiSoft Sandra benches

The full name of the version I've been using here is "SiSoft Sandra 2002 professional sp1" . Sandra, who is Sandra and what does she do? Well, she is the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant. This program is capable of testing and benching about every piece of hardware that's inside your personal computer. The results then can be compared with other typical systems.

For this roundup the only section I used is the file system benchmark. It performs several read and write tests (buffered,random and sequential) and a seek test. These tests are then mixed together with a drive index number as a result, the higher this number is, the better...

Madshrimps (c)

Here the Maxtor DiamondMax Plus9 takes a giant leap compared to the others, while the Seagate is making up for the bad result in the previous test. Both the WD's seem to have problems getting a high score with this benchmark. Our reference drive is amazingly still going strong!!

Now onto what really matters, how fast can they read/write files when you starting copying files around...
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