Powercolor X1800 GTO and MSI 7600 GT Reviewed

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2006-07-28

How high can you turn up the resolution and detail with these mid-range VGA cards? We evaluate their performance in six different games to give you the answer. Read on to find out how much *oomph* you can get for your money. The Powercolor X1800 GTO and MSI NX7600GT-T2D256EZ (the one with passive cooling) are tested.

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Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 2
Official website

The sequel of Call of Duty was released last year and features a whole new graphics engine which really put you in the middle of a war zone in all its terrifying glory. The gameplay is more newbie friendly with the auto-healing and easier to kill enemies, nevertheless with the difficulty cranked up you?ll have many auto-spawning foes to kill.

We've chosen to play the "Hold the line" scene which is at the beginning of the "Battle of El Alamain" level. You find yourself in the dusk racing the Germans to get hold of a little town in the desert. Unfortunately, both armies hit the town at the same time, so there is quite some chaos in the beginning. In order to have good benchmark results I started to record frames from the very first second the scene plays. You are on your way to the little town, and there are Germans on your left and right. Just let the truck driver do his work and you do yours: shoot!

Madshrimps (c)

This game is quite taxing and even at 1024x768 with moderate image quality settings the average frame rate is not very high

Madshrimps (c)

4xAA/8xAF takes away ~5FPS from the average frame rate, not an incredible amount, but min. fps already hovers around 30.

Madshrimps (c)

At 1280x1024 you can?t say the frame rate is high enough to provide an enjoyable experience, these cards are maxed out.

Madshrimps (c)

With 4xAA/8xAF you can clearly see both cards struggling
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