Low latency PC3200 memory roundup on Intel

Memory by jmke @ 2004-11-03

We test a new batch of PC3200 and PC4400 rated memory from known and lesser known manufacteres on our Intel P4 test setup. With the introduction of Samsung?s TCCD revision F memory chips we might get performance only seen in the days of Winbond BH-5!

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Test Setup & Mem at 200Mhz

Test Setup

JMke's Intel Test Setup
CPU Intel P4 2.4 "C"
Mainboard Asus P4C800 (Bios 1019 Beta003)
Cooling TTIC NPH-1
Video nVidia Geforce FX5900XT

Past experience with this particular setup showed that the maximum stable FSB was 260Mhz, the Asus board is holding us back from reaching higher speeds.

To search the higher limit of FSB speeds a new A64 setup was bought: DFI NF3 250gb and A64 3200+ CG stepping; Performance on that platform with the memories tested here will appear in a future article.

I included one pair of generic 512Mb sticks with CL3 4-4-8 timings to show the difference at stock speeds.

Benchmarks at 200Mhz tightest timings

All memory could run CL2 2-2-5 at 200Mhz / PC3200 speeds without issue, the OCZ EL PC4400 would not work at timings lower then CL2 3-3-5.

Madshrimps (c)

All results are pretty even, the tighter timings give a ~2.5% difference in performance.

Madshrimps (c)

Again a ~2.5% increase

Madshrimps (c)

In this synthetic benchmark we see a larger difference of ~4%, the OCZ EL PC4400 also wins by a larger margin on the generic memory.

Madshrimps (c)

The Flyby benchmark run is more graphics card dependant, the Botmatch reflect the overall system speed more, 2 FPS is what you gain.

So far for the benchmarks at “stock” speeds, let’s start overclocking ->
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