T-Balancer TBAN-XL Review: The Knobless Fan Controller

Modding/Small Mods by jmke @ 2004-09-14

World?s most advanced fan controller? But how, it has no knobs to turn? An Austrian company made a stand-alone high tech unit which can be controlled completely from within Windows. Is it any good? Find out in this review.

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The T-Balancer: Up close

Specifications of the T-Balancer XL:

  • Fan Channels: 4 x 15 Watts/1,25 A
  • Current consumption: 5 V/50 mA
  • Efficiency: approx. 95 %
  • Interface: USB internally/externally
  • Size: approx. 105 x 83 x 25 mm
  • Weight: approx. 100 gram
  • Priced between €50-60

    Madshrimps (c)

    Up to 4 fans can be connected to the unit, each of them needs to be hooked to one of 4 white connectors on the right side as seen on the above photo. The connectors on the left are those who lead back to mainboard to provide RPM readout.

    In order to configure the T-Balancer you need to connect it either using the internal USB cable (check the manual of your motherboard) or the external USB cable. A 12v connector on the opposite side of the USB connector provides power to the unit.

    Madshrimps (c)

    The FT232Bm chip provides USB connectivity between your PC and the T-Ban

    Madshrimps (c)

    The ATmel chip stores all the configuration info, in the right corner you see the small speaker which emits a moderately high pitched noise when one of the sensor surpasses a predefined limit.

    The whole unit is sandwiched between two transparent plastic covers; it’s relatively small and can be stored almost anywhere inside your case

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    Time to get it installed ->
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