AC Ryan XTOR Xilencer HDD Silencer Review

Cooling/VGA & Other Cooling by jmke @ 2005-01-03

Today we take a look at A.C.Ryan?s solution for silencing and cooling your 3.5" hard drive by using large aluminum heatsinks and foam blocks.

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Testing & Conclusion

Test Setup & Methodology

JMke's Intel Test Setup
CPU Intel P4 2.4 "C"
Mainboard Asus P4C800 (Bios 1019 Beta003)
Cooling Coolermaster Hyper48 with stock fan @ 7v
Video ATI Radeon 9000 Pro Passive Cooling
Power Silverstone EFN-300 Passive Cooling
Hard Drive IBM 40Gb 7200rpm

  • A temp sensor was placed on the side of the hard drive when outside the Xilencer
  • A temp sensor was placed on the side of the Xilencer when the drive was inside
  • Room temp during testing: 23.5°C
  • Noise measurements taken at ~30cm
  • Drive was stressed for 30min by combining PCMark04 HDD tests, Sisoft Sandra File System benchmark and File Copying.
  • HDD Onboard temperatures were read with SpeedFan, and highest obtained value was recorded.

  • The test setup is placed outside a case, no fan or moving air nearby
  • The HDD was placed on a foam pad to reduce vibration noise (pic1)
  • The Xilencer was placed on its foam pads to reduce vibration noise (pic2)

    Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)


    First up we have noise measurements

    Madshrimps (c)

    The XTOR reduces noise quite a bit, the whining high noise of the older IBM HDD is muffled away, a noticeable improvement.

    Madshrimps (c)

    The heatsinks do their job excellently, dropping the temperature of the HDD 7°C, the outside of the XTOR does not become hot either, at only 30°C it’s quite cool actually.


    With the XTOR Xilencer A.C. Ryan has created a high quality product which does its job very good, at a premium price of ~$50 it confirms the expression: “you get what you pay for”.

    Most HDD coolers out there use fans, others use heat pipes, but none offer the Silencing force of the XTOR combined with excellent thermal control. Definitely worth its price if you want to have peace and quiet in your silent system.

    If A.C. Ryan is able to bring the price down then this product will become a hardware enthusiast’s must-have.

    Madshrimps (c)

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