Sharkoon Gamer Headset GHS1

Audio/Others by jmke @ 2004-07-01

The Gamer Headset offers perfect comfort and convenience to the gamer: low weight, adjustable head band and high-quality foam ear pads. Integrated volume control, microphone mute button and noise cancellation. Let?s find out if the bots in UT2004 can be commandeered with grace and dignity!

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First thing you are bound to notice are the cups which are too small to fit around your ears, unless you are a twelve-year old, so you feel a constant pressure. Luckily Sharkoon got the earphones padded and they are comfortable for limited periods of time (2 hours being the limit in my case). It sits sturdy on your head and “regulated” head-banging did not make them fall down, which is a good thing of course.

The top bow is padded also and overall it has a soft feel, but the drawback of the “too-small-to-fit-around-my-ears” cups is rather worrying if you plan to spend hours on end isolated with these things on your head.

I can't keep this headset on my head for more then 10 minutes, as it puts a constant strain on the ears. Circum aural headsets can be very comfy, supra aural is a good way to make a product like this cheaper and more compact - but this combination here fails to offer an advantage unfortunately.


After installing the UT2004 demo I loaded up Microsoft’s voice recognition program to calibrate the sound profile, after a few minutes of reading nonsense text out loud at 2am in the morning it was time to fire-up the game and see if the bots would listen to my yells and screams.

Before long I was ordering a bunch of computer controlled players to jump up and down and run in circles around me, the microphone picked up my voice clearly enough for the PC to make out was I was mumbling into it. So far so good, since in-game voice is highly compressed you won’t find much difference in sound quality between this mic or the one used in a local radio station.

The sound it produces in-game is acceptable but I noticed a distinct lack of bass. Compared to the Sony headphones the Sharkoon does not deliver a very convincing “rocket launcher swooping by your head”-kind of sound.

I chose one of my favorite games to test the GHS1: Mafia. This masterpiece really has a magnificent feel, thanks to the setting; the story and what certainly added up to the magic was the in-game sound. Having experienced this splendor wearing the Sennheiser set, playing Mafia with the Sharkoon does not have the same appeal to me, some of the magic is lost.


I listened to wide variety of rock, classical sounds, some dance and hip hop. The lack of bass is slightly recovered by the wider variety of sound levels, but the music does not seem as full as when heard through the Sony headphones.

After that I hooked it up to my portable MP3 player, a Creative MUVO Slim, the sound was clear and easily matched that of the included Creative earplugs.

I don’t find this headset suited to listen to music; it completely lacks bass, and features an overdose of distorted mid-tones. I know I'm probably reacting a bit more strongly than an average gamer, but sound/music is very important to me. The most expensive part of my first setup was my soundcard, and last year I bought my third Sennheiser -- the HD-590 model, which cost me about €230 at that time. I don't want to brag here, I just want you to understand my point. If you want a headphone which is also suited for music, then add €10-15 to the GHS1’s price, and buy yourself a basic Sennheiser model.


As a headphone the Sharkoon GHS1 has a hard time to keep up with the known brands, luckily, as a headset it has enough features to please the occasional gamer who spends a couple of hours on his PC.

The sound quality is average and for its price it offers a product of good value. Its finishing on the exterior is very slick just wish this could have been copied to the internals also!

We would like to thank Thorsten at Sharkoon for providing us with the GHS1.

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