Today I’m reviewing a rather unique product, it comes in a big box but doesn’t cost you anywhere near $50+. It’s a piece of plastic! But not your ordinary run of the mill one, no sir, this baby has been shaped into the form of an air-duct.
Sure most enthusiasts have already tried to get the air in their case to move along a predefined path using cardboard, tape and sometimes even toilet rolls. The Chill Vent approach however comes over a bit more professional and it requires a lot less fooling around to get it installed.
The Chill Vent is the brainchild of Sidney Wong, he lives in the USA but he has some friends at the other side of the world who helped him turn his ideas into tangible objects. The company’s website can be found
here and as you can see this is no million-dollar corporation, it’s aimed at the enthusiasts and was made by an enthusiast.
Before I continue with the review I have to mention that Sidney Wong is an active contributor to our website here at Madshrimps. Although he’s geographically far away from the core of the crew members, thanks to the technology of the web, we can keep in contact as if he was living next door, so to speak. It would be easy for Sidney (nicknamed Lazyman, quite ironically) to push us to do a “good” review of his product so that he can profit from it.
Luckily for you the reader and us the reviewers, this is simply not the case, Lazyman sent us 2 review samples and just asked us “what do you think about it, I’m open for suggestions and tips”. So here we are, doing what he has asked us to do, and we do it with pleasure! Telling you what’s good and bad.
So how can a piece of plastic increase the cooling efficiency of your system, turn the page to find out ->