AMD nForce2 memory timings explored

Memory by piotke @ 2004-01-04

A couple of days ago, I read on a Dutch forum a question concerning AMD timings. This week I saw almost the same question on our forums. It was a question about the fastest memory timings for an AMD nForce2 setup. Nobody could give a clear answer, so started to test the most common used timings... Here are the results you?ve always wanted to know!

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Sisoft Sandra

Sisoft Sandra - Memory Bandwidth Benchmark

Benchmark used: Sisoft Sandra 2004

Theoretical Memory Bandwidth: here the difference is smaller than 100 MB/sec between the two edge values.

Madshrimps (c)

It shows you that there IS a difference, but to better get an idea how this affects real world applications we included some other benchmarks, read on ->
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