Kioxia FlashAir W-04 64GB Wireless SD Card Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2020-02-29

The FlashAir W-04 comes with upgraded performance levels versus the previous iterations and besides the handy WiFi features it comes with an updated software interface and support for Eyefi Connected. We can connect both users and guests to the card (up to seven devices at one time); the guests will have access to a different SSID, where we can give access to photos only from a certain timeframe.

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At first, we would like to thank KIOXIA for offering a sample of their FlashAir W-04 Wireless SD Card for testing and reviewing.






“KIOXIA in Düsseldorf, Germany, markets flash memory products and solid-state drives aiming at consumers and retailers in Europe. For over 50 years, KIOXIA has been developing and manufacturing storage solutions used by most major IT and consumer electronics brands.


We at KIOXIA believe that personal data is a valuable commodity that is worth to be stored and processed in the fastest, most reliable and safest way possible. We believe that personal development, the growing of knowledge and experience as well as the creation and conservation of impressions and perceptions are an intangible good supporting individual progression and cultural achievement. Our memory solutions offer convenient handling for everyday situations with the aim to provide excellence in its tasks.”


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