Creative iRoar Wireless Intelligent Speaker Review

Audio/Others by stefan @ 2018-07-07

After fully charging the iRoar as soon as it arrived, we have connected the speaker via USB to our computer, in order to try out the Dashboard but also to check for the latest firmware updates. The software has updated the speaker firmware in about a minute and we were ready to rock! After listening plenty of clips on YouTube, some TV shows and the Death Wish movie with Bruce Willis, we were quite surprised how loud the speaker can get. After enabling Roar mode, everything got boosted, including the bass effects, which is a treat during action scenes. The speaker can deliver when playing games as well, thanks to the multitude of drivers (active (subwoofer driver and the two frontal tweeter drivers) and passive (two radiators on the side)).

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A Closer Look Part II

Let’s take a look at the supplied bundle:


-a carry pouch

-the power adapter

-power adapter plugs for different areas

-the USB cable for use via PC




The supplied soft carry pouch is very handy when traveling with the speaker:




The supplied power adapter was manufactured by FUJIA and is very versatile thanks to the interchangeable plugs:




On the output, the adapter does supply 15V at 1600mA:




On the other end of the cable, we will spot the adapters’ power jack plug:





Creative iRoar does feature an elegant look, with bronze-colored lateral frames. Its dimensions are 57 x 120 x 225 mm and features a middle top-firing 2.75’’ woofer:




In the top left corner we do have the Power button that does also have different other functions:




Around the woofer, Creative has mounted a frame that helps with the NFC functionality:




To the left and right, we will spot three holes, which are practically the dual microphone ports:




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