Shuttle XPC Slim DS77U Barebone Review
Others/All-in-one PC by stefan @ 2017-07-14
Shuttle has updated just recently its XPC Slim and XPC Nano series with the new Kaby Lake generation from Intel, which does not only have an increased IPC versus the previous Skylake but also higher clocks. The DS77U series does pack a durable 1.3L metallic chassis, is approved for 24/7 operation and can be purchased in four different variants (DS77U with Celeron 3865U, DS77U3 with Core i3-7100U, DS77U5 with Core i5-7200U but also DS77U7 with Core i7-7500U). This configuration scheme gives more flexibility, so the companies/end users can go for the model that is able to run their desired applications optimally.