Corsair Lighting Node PRO Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2017-06-15

Paired with the Corsair LINK software, the Lighting Node PRO is an easy way to equip your computer case with configurable LED lighting strips. The strips do feature mounting tape backings and are also magnetic in order to be kept secure onto the chassis. The “brains” is composed of a small box which does feature two separate channels for connecting not only the supplied strips, but is also compatible with the HD RGB LED hubs, for even more flexibility.

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A Closer Look Contd.

On the back side of the controller, we do have a sticker with the product serial number:




Two extra adhesive pads are also provided in the package, for securing the controller onto the chassis:




The supplied RGB LED strips are of very good quality and each does house 10 large individual LEDs; these strips are also magnetic, which helps a lot when the glue does not adhere well with the surface of our current computer case:




On each side of the strip, we can find a different type of connector:





In the middle strip area, the manufacturer has included a logo:




Here is also a close-up of the individual LEDs:




By using the connectors, we can easily join one LED strip to another:




On the opposite area of the controller, we can see a regular USB 2.0 port. This is great in our books for one simple reason: if you do not have another spare USB 2.0 header on your motherboard, you can easily purchase a regular USB 2.0 cable and connect it to the I/O area (with a small case modification, if applicable):




We will test the controller in two ways: first by using two strips per channel and secondly by using all four strips connected to a single channel and see how it performs:




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