Battleborn Game Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2016-05-06

Battleborn is another impressive release developed by Gearbox which made itself available for the PC platform via Steam (but also for PS4 and Xbox One via the respective online services). Besides single player campaign, we are able to game in PvE, PvP, play against bots, in order to unlock a ton of characters along with their taunts and skins. The MOBA + FPS genres seems to mix very well in Battleborn while the in-game cinematics are a real joy to look at. The developers also have a good sense of humor, incorporating funny dialogues between the characters in many circumstances.

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A Closer Look at Battleborn Part V

Here is how the PvE mode does look like during mission selection:



The game will also show the lobby and chosen characters of each player:



If a player drops out, we would surely like for the server to search another one instead but for now it does not:



When the character selection is completed, a nice cinematic will roll for each toon like at the beginning of a movie:



As we have seen with the tutorial, we will progress through the level, battle minions, bosses, open doors, force fields and many more with the help of the 5-player team:



When we die, we can call for help so another player could revive us, without losing a life:



Several racks with powerups and credits can be opened throughout the level:



When a player is upgrading his traits, we will be able to see this process thanks to the animation:



Occasionally, we will need to escort robots till they reach their final goal:



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