Blackview Breeze Smartphone Review

Mobile/Smart Phones by stefan @ 2015-04-16

This model was mainly built for people with lower budgets, which do not have enough cash to invest in higher-specced models and Blackview has picked one of the mainstream SoCs (MT6582) of 2013 to equip it, which now also has sources for building Android 5.0 distributions.

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Packaging, A Closer Look Part I

Blackview were nice and have also sent us a smartphone from their low-end segment, which positions itself in the $70 area. This model is shipped inside a smaller cardboard box and as expected, we will find less features and less accessories when compared to the Omega. On the top area of the packaging, we will be able to find a photo of the product in operation, along with the total quantity of internal storage:




A short product description in multiple languages can be spotted on the back side:




By lifting the top cover, we will be able to spot the terminal, which is also wrapped inside a semi-transparent plastic bag:




After removing the top layer, we will begin to spot the bundle components:




Here we will find one silicone case, the power adapter, one white USB cable, one OTG adapter, a set of earphones with included microphone and also the battery:




The power adapter comes with the A050100E04 code name and on the output we have 5V at 1A:




The connectors of the USB cable are branded, but the wire is not non-tangle as we have seen on other models:




The earphones are quite regular, but we appreciate that the manufacturer has included them, considering the low price point:






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