Corsair Gaming H1500 Dolby Gaming Headset Review

Audio/Others by stefan @ 2015-03-09

The H1500 headset takes part of the latest Corsair Gaming series, packs dual 50mm drives and is able to emulate 7.1 surround sound thanks to the Dolby Pro Logic IIx certification. The product comes with a 3-meter cable and on it we will also find a tiny remote which allows working with the volume control or for muting the microphone.

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Impressions and Conclusive Thoughts

With the H1500 we have found a problem which did not manifest with the previously tested Vengeance 2100 headset: it is quite loud even at the lowest volume settings and instead of moving the slider with one-point increments, it moves with two-point increments. We think that this is clearly a software problem, which has been already addressed in the Corsair forums and may be fixed with the next release.


Now to the good stuff: the headset is comfortable even during longer gaming sessions thanks to the soft fabric and open cell foam; for a better customization, we can rotate the earcups up to 90 degrees and the microphone can be also adjusted up to 120 degrees.


We have tested the headset with the latest series of The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, while having Dolby enabled and they offered a good experience; same thing we could say when playing Dying Light, Carmageddon: Reincarnation or Resident Evil: Revelations 2 but in the case of music, we have preferred leaving Dolby mode off and working instead with the EQ in order to get optimal results.


Depending on the environment, the blue LEDs on the tiny remote can be sometimes annoying since they are always-on; we would have liked to be able to adjust the brightness of these and why not, maybe turn them off completely. A nice setting would have been to have them light up only when adjusting the volume combined with a breathing effect while the microphone is muted. When the computer is off, the LEDs turn purple and we have found the headset to be unstable when connected to an USB hub which does not offer enough juice (from normal blue color operating mode, it becomes purple and does not respond until disconnected and are being reconnected). Most often this issue appears when working with the volume buttons.


The Corsair Gaming H1500 Dolby 7.1 Gaming Headset is available online for about 120 Euros.


Corsair Gaming H1500 Dolby 7.1 Gaming Headset is Recommended for:



We would like to thank again to Corsair for making this review possible!

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