Pivos XIOS XS Entertainment Center Review

Others/All-in-one PC by stefan @ 2014-10-29

The upgrade to the previous XIOS DS is now baptized XIOS XS and features a notably faster dual-core processor at 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM, a dual-core internal GPU at 500Mhz and also 8GB of internal NAND for storing the applications. The box is set to launch a customized XBMC release with an easy to use skin which can be always reverted to default and additional software can be always installed from the Google Play Store.

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Packaging, A Closer Look

In this article we will concentrate our attention on the latest entertainment center from Pivos, the XIOS XS, which runs on an Android 4.2.2 base and with the help of TOFU, we will be able to playback the multimedia content we have available in our homes. The product is shipped inside a tiny cardboard box, with the product logo on the top cover:





Pivos promises us an “Ultimate Multimedia Experience” when looking on one of the box sides, while on the bottom we have a description of the product main interfaces and also the box contents:





After removing the top packaging layer, we will end up with a dark brown enclosure so let’s dig in more to see what we find out:




On the top, Pivos has placed an introductory guide:




The XIOS XS unit is surrounded by protective material, so it won’t get damaged during transit:




The bottom layer includes the test of the bundle:




What we have here? The manufacturer has included one HDMI cable, one USB cable for charging purposes, one US power adapter and also a remote which fits the color scheme of the main unit:




The power adapter was manufactured by Leader Electronics and is rated on the output as 5V, 2A:




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