Intel Pentium 20th Anniversary Edition G3258 CPU Review

CPU by leeghoofd @ 2014-06-16

Intel announced earlier this year the Haswell refresh lineup together with the release of their latest mainstream chipset, the Z97. This refresh release was overshadowed by the eagerly awaited high end K SKU Devils Canyon and the low end 20th Anniversary Pentium processor; especially the latter is a very interesting product as it now sports a fully unlocked multiplier and retails at an insane low price. We have to thank the boys from Denmark Zzolio and Riska which allowed us to spend some time with their G3258 Pentium ES processor.

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3D Overclocked Results

Overclocking the dual core Pentium provides a great performance benefit, depending on the application run. How will it perform in 3D applications ?

The Futuremark 3D11 benchmark utilizes any core you can throw at it, thus it is no surprise to see the Pentium G3258, even though it gains some serious ground, to trail any other Intel offering tested here. Resident Evil tells another tale, as this game is not optimized for multi core environment we see the overclocked dual core crawling its way next to the i7-4770K processor.





While Bioshock remains GPU limited, no matter the processor we use, Sleeping Dogs shows a big improvement on the high detail setting. On the Ultra preset the GPU starts to bottleneck it all.


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